
Why Pyrotas?

Every company is different. And every company has a different way of rostering its staff. Some companies have a vast varying amount of business rules, company policies, union or legislation and industry specific methods about how rostering should be performed amongst its staff.

Enter Pyrotas

Our rostering solution does something the competitors don’t do. You can configure the app in a vast combination of configurations to suit practically any industry or equitable shift allocation requirements. Or you can leave the default built-in round-robin allocation for minimal setup effort.

Each roster allocates staff according to an ‘Allocation Set’ which is defined by you. This is a set of one or more ‘Allocation Rules’ that you wish to apply to each roster. Every roster or section in your company can be setup to have different rules. This means you can apply different staff allocation rules depending on where your staff are located. And because rosters are created as a template, you only need to set this up once and reuse over and over again.

You can even add custom rules written by independant developers. This truly allows long term flexible and equitable rostering.